Analysis of metabolites of organophosphate and pyrethroid pesticides in human urine from urban and agricultural populations (Catalonia and Galicia)


Isotope dilution solid phase extraction UPLC-MS/MS has been used to develop a robust and rapid methodology for the determination of eight specific metabolites of organophosphate and pyrethroid pesticides in human urine. The use of methanol:acetone (25:75 v/v) affords an improvement in extraction efficiency in comparison to these individual solvents. The use of synthetic urine improves selectivity and limits of detection for the calibration straight lines. The method provides detection limits of 14–69 pg/ml and 18–19 pg/ml for the organophosphate and pyrethroid metabolites, respectively. Urine analyses of these metabolites in urban non-occupationally exposed individuals and farm workers shows that ingestion of these pesticides occurred in both populations. The concentrations of organophosphate pesticide metabolites in the latter were twofold than those from non-exposed populations.

Science of the Total Environment